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 I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩

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Sharlie O'Brien
STAFF + on veille sur vous!
Sharlie O'Brien
› date d'arrivée : 23/05/2014
› baisers volés : 360
› avatar : dianna agron
› crédits : nuit parisienne
› pseudo : pan. (manon)
I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Tumblr_n2l0uyuWrz1s3klb2o1_400

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩   I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû - 14:52

J'ai pas tout lu mais attention, je surveille :suspect:
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Isaac Daniels
MEMBRE + les pilliers de la société
Isaac Daniels
› date d'arrivée : 05/08/2014
› baisers volés : 98
› avatar : Colton Haynes
› crédits : Magiks
› pseudo : Daniels
I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Tumblr15

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩   I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû - 22:04

Elina : Ok :)

Sharlie : Oh la plus belle est là  I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 2035611580 
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Elina Jay-Crawfield
STAFF + on veille sur vous!
Elina Jay-Crawfield
› date d'arrivée : 15/06/2014
› baisers volés : 150
› avatar : ariana grande
› crédits : .liloo_59
› pseudo : little-s (steffie)

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩   I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Aoû - 22:15

moi aussi jotem sharlie I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 2514138217

je vais commencer ça dessuite alors I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 4276553451
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Sharlie O'Brien
STAFF + on veille sur vous!
Sharlie O'Brien
› date d'arrivée : 23/05/2014
› baisers volés : 360
› avatar : dianna agron
› crédits : nuit parisienne
› pseudo : pan. (manon)
I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Tumblr_n2l0uyuWrz1s3klb2o1_400

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩   I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Aoû - 0:20

J'espère bien biquette Rolling Eyes
Ça va, vous avez de la chance que je vous nem I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 2373251241I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 2514138217
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Isaac Daniels
MEMBRE + les pilliers de la société
Isaac Daniels
› date d'arrivée : 05/08/2014
› baisers volés : 98
› avatar : Colton Haynes
› crédits : Magiks
› pseudo : Daniels
I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Tumblr15

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩   I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 EmptyDim 24 Aoû - 9:28

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 4054137642 
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I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩   I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩ - Page 2 Empty

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I wanna play the game, I want the friction... And our time is running out ✩

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thunder love :: okay? okay. :: you and i :: here's hoping we collide-